Stop the Northeast Energy Direct Pipeline

Fracking 2.0 – The Fight Against Gas and Oil Infrastructure

NO NEW PIPELINES – Join us in Schoharie, NY for a press conference and rally to Stop theNortheast Energy Direct Pipeline

At a time when we should be weaning off fossil fuels and prioritizing clean, green, sustainable energy policies, we are seeing a proliferation of fossil fuel infrastructure projects.

The latest is the Northeast Energy Direct Pipeline, which would go through Susquehanna County in Pennsylvania, parallel the proposed route of the Constitution Pipeline in much of New York and into Massachusetts and New Hampshire

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Fracking 2.0 - Fracking After the Ban

The fight to prevent NY from becoming a fossil fuel distribution center 

Right now, federal authorities are considering a proposal to build the Port Ambrose LNG Project, a deep water liquified natural gas import facility near New York Harbor, at an offshore site between Jones Beach, NY and Long Branch, NJ...


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Fracking 2.0 - Fracking After the Ban in NY

The fight to prevent New York State from becoming a massive distribution center for fossil fuels drilled in other states

If someone came into your community and told you that they had to take your land via eminent domain so they could build a gas or oil pipeline;... 

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Catskill Park - a Mountainkeeper Production

Catskill_Park_Movie_Pic.pngWhat’s so special about the Catskills? This film explores this question in interviews with artists, historians, environmentalists, farmers, residents and visitors. It looks at the Catskill's history as a mecca for recreation, health, and artistic pursuits. And its critical role as the watershed that supplies water to millions in the New York metropolitan area and stands as a role model for the rest of the country. 


Show your LOVE for the Catskills

Fresh off of Valentine's Day and with lots of snow piling up in the Catskills, now is a great time to show your love for all the great walnut_mt_snowshoe.jpgtrails in our area.


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We Need You to Show Your Love for the Catskill Park!

catskill_park_movie.pngShow your support for the Catskills by joining Catskill Mountainkeeper and theCatskill Park Coalition for the annual Catskill Park Awareness Day in Albany on Tuesday, February 10th, at 10 am...

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Let's make this year the greenest one!

solarworks.jpgRenewable NY is Catskill Mountainkeeper's campaign to bring renewable energy options to every community, resident and business in New York. 

And the year ahead is going to be a big one for the renewable energy movement in New York.

Here's just some of what's happening:

-The NY-Sun Initiative has been extended through 2023, and is projected to bring down the cost of solar by a factor of 10, create 3,000 megawatts of new solar capacity adequate to power almost 500,000 homes, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2.3 million tons annually...

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No Time to Stop on Fracking

In a historic decision in December 2014, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced he will ban high-volume hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in low permeable shale in New York State.  This is a huge win for New Yorkers, but the fight is far from over. 

So what’s next?

The ban still has to be made “official,” and faces potential lawsuits from gas and oil companies, as well as landowners who have sold leases to gas companies.

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cuomo.jpgGovernor Cuomo announced today that he will ban high-volume hydraulic fracturing in New York State. 

We are so proud to be New Yorkers! Thank you Governor Cuomo for putting the people of New York and their interests above the interests of the gas industry.

After looking at the science on fracking, the Acting Commissioner of Health, Howard Zucker concluded what residents across New York have been saying for years.  When advising the Governor, Zucker stated "Would I live in a community that would allow fracking? The answer is no."

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2014 Stakeholder Report

2014StakeholderReport.pngWow! With our supporters and activists 2014 was a great year for Mountainkeeper and our beloved Catskills. The Mountainkeeper team, along with our community of partners and supporters has demonstrated the importance of empowering citizens to protect the Catskill region. Check out the highlights in our 2014 Stakeholder Report.

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