100+ Groups To Gov. Hochul: Protect Hudson River, Stop Radioactive Waste Dumping

From Food and Water Watch -- Today, 138 groups representing hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers, sent a letter to Governor Hochul, organized by the Stop Holtec Coalition, urging her to stop Holtec International’s plan to dump one million gallons of radioactive wastewater into the Hudson River. A public hearing on the Indian Point decommissioning process is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25.

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March 30, 2023 - "The Department of Environmental Conservation and Attorney General have done tremendous and impactful work by holding illegal dumpers accountable for the trash and toxic debris they've dumped in Ulster County. It's going to cost millions to clean up the mess they made, if the pollution can be cleaned up at all, and the companies who illegally dumped the waste need to pay for it. Commissioner Seggos and Attorney General James are sending a clear message to polluters: our environment is worth more than your profits." 

Click Read More for our full statement.

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Mountainkeeper Testifies on the Governor's Budget

Catskill Mountainkeeper’s Fiscal Year 2024 

Executive Budget Testimony 

Joint Legislative Budget Hearing, Senate Finance and Assembly Ways and Means Committees


Testimony Overview 

Mountainkeeper’s testimony today covers the funding for the Catskill Park and implementing the Catskills High Use Advisory Group (CAG) recommendations, establishing and capitalizing a Climate and Community Protection Fund, supporting the Climate Jobs and Justice package, supporting sustainable agriculture, continuing support for our state’s Forest Preserves via the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF), endorsing strong staffing at the Department of Environmental Conservation, passing the Birds and Bees Protection Act (BBPA), and Route 17 expansion. 


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Transportation officials need to go back to square one and develop a plan that fits the needs of the communities, addresses climate, environmental and  justice concerns, and tackles the real infrastructure needs in the Route 17 corridor

Hurleyville, NY - “Our organizations are speaking with one voice, calling on Governor Hochul and state transportation officials to reconsider the Route 17 widening plan and to develop a new plan that truly meets the needs of our communities, addresses the climate crisis, and deals head-on with the real infrastructure needs in the Route 17 corridor,” said Ramsay Adams, Catskill Mountainkeeper’s Executive Director. “We look forward to working with the Administration to develop a blueprint for the Route 17 corridor that becomes a model for the rest of the state and the nation on how to improve and upgrade critical infrastructure that addresses the  real environmental, climate and social impacts of such large projects.”

Click 'Read More' to view the full February 2, 2023 press release.

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Catskill Strategic Planning Advisory Group Submits Final Report To DEC Commissioner Seggos

Final Report Recommendations Build on DEC’s Ongoing Efforts to Promote Sustainable Recreation, Diversity, and Protection of the Park’s Natural Resources

The Catskill Strategic Planning Advisory Group (CAG) submitted its final report on promoting sustainable recreation in the Catskill Forest Preserve to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos. Comprised of stakeholders with expertise in local government, recreation, natural resource protection, business and tourism, and other priority areas, the CAG was tasked in October 2020 with providing recommendations to DEC on how to address critical issues associated with increased public use of Catskill Park resources in order to protect these areas in the short term, as well as for future generations.

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Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition Pledges Resolve to Protect the Watershed Groups Deeply Disturbed by DRBC Failure to Enact Full Frack Ban

Delaware River Watershed - Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition organizations  denounced the Delaware River Basin Commission’s (DRBC) adoption of amendments  to its regulations on December 7, 2022 that will allow the importation into the Watershed  of wastewater produced by fracking and will allow the export of water from the Delaware  River Watershed to support fracking operations elsewhere. 

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Court Orders Gas Company to Pay More Than $16 Million for Poisoning Dimock's Water

In a "no contest" plea Coterra, formerly Cabot Oil and Gas, is being held accountable for ruining Dimock PA residents’ lives and contaminating their water

Montrose, PA - Officials from Coterra Energy appeared at the Susquehanna County Courthouse today to plead no contest to 15 criminal charges. Wes Gillingham, Catskill Mountainkeeper’s Associate Director, issued the following statement in response....

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New Yorkers Vote YES for the Environmental Bond Act

November 9, 2022 -- On November 8th, more than 60% of New Yorkers took the once-in-a-generation opportunity to vote YES on the Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act, an initiative that will invest $4.2 billion into projects we can see, feel, and taste. This funding will be used to improve our drinking water and air quality, preserve our environment, and protect us from the worst of the climate crisis. Mountainkeeper is proud to have been part of the VOTE YES effort, and we're so grateful for each and every voter who chose to invest in our shared environment. Click 'read more' to see how the bond act will help support the Catskills and communities statewide.

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Telling the DRBC to Enact a Full Frack Ban

Delaware River Watershed - 175 organizations representing a total of almost a million members and 6,751 individuals signed a letter to the Delaware River Basin Commission voting members calling for a FULL fracking ban in the Delaware River Watershed. The letter was delivered by the Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition on Friday, October 14 to the Commissioners, the voting members of the DRBC who will decide on the final regulations governing these activities. The Commissioners are the Governors of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware and the Army Corps of Engineers, representing President Biden. The link to the letter is here: https://bit.ly/3etKHA7

Click 'Read More' for the full release.

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Hudsonia Report on Winston Farm

Developers in Saugerties NY, are seeking to move forward with a massive, inappropriately-sited development project proposed on Winston Farm. At Mountainkeeper’s request, Hudsonia – a Hudson Valley environmental research firm – conducted an initial assessment of the development’s potential impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity on Winston Farm. Unsurprisingly, they concluded that “The proposed development project at Winston Farm … would be devastating to the ecosystems, wildlife, and plants of the site and the surrounding region.”

Click 'Read More' for a link to the full report from Hudsonia.

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