Snowshoe Hike, Wine Tasting

Snowshoe Hike, Wine Tasting Tet

Feb 5, 2013

Or, visit to register online., launched in September 2012, is the result of a partnership between the Delaware Highlands Conservancy, Catskill Mountainkeeper, the Sullivan County Division of Planning and ...Wayne Independent 


Community Garden Planned at Phoenicia Elementary School

Community Garden Planned at Phoenicia Elementary School

Daily Freeman · 2/4/2013

Continued... The group Catskill Mountainkeeper, which runs a school gardens program in Sullivan County, also is assisting with the Phoenicia project and covering insurance costs. Kathy Nolan, the director of Mountainkeeper’s High Peaks region 


Farm to Market Connection March 24

Farm to Market Connection March 24

Watershed post-Mar 7, 2013

... Emily Deans, Catskill Mountainkeeper; Richard Giles, Lucky Dog Organic Farm; Nathan Forster and Olivia Blanchflower, Greenmarket Co.; ...


Catskill Edible Garden Students to be Honored; Slow Food Fundraiser

Catskill Edible Garden Students to be Honored; Slow Food Fund ...

River Reporter-Oct 10, 2012

Emily Deans, the agriculture coordinator of Catskill Mountainkeeper, said a ... The project is a partnership between Catskill Mountainkeeper, ...


Hobbies and Crafts Calendar

Hobbies and Crafts Calendar

Times Herald-Record- Sept. 21, 2012

Following a brief business meeting, Emily Deans of Catskill Mountain Keeper will talk about the Catskill Food Initiative and the Catskill Edible ...


NRDC Launches Community Fracking Defense Project

NRDC Launches Community Fracking Defense Project

Sept 20, 2012

NRDC will be partnering with locally-based grassroots organizations in each state, including the Catskill Mountainkeeper and Catskill Citizens for Clean Energy in New York State, among others. For more information on NRDC’s work to address the Common Dreams 


A Sullivan County Family Enjoys a Hike in the Hickok Brook Multiple Use Area

A Sullivan County Family Enjoys a Hike in the Hickok Brook Multiple ...

River Reporter-Sep 18, 2012

UPPER DELAWARE RIVER REGION – The Delaware Highlands Conservancy (DHC) and Catskill Mountainkeeper, in partnership with ...


Partnership Announces New Sullivan County, NY Hiking Website

 River Reporter · 9/18/2012

UPPER DELAWARE RIVER REGION – The Delaware Highlands Conservancy (DHC) and Catskill Mountainkeeper, in partnership with Sullivan County Division of Planning & Environmental Management, the Sullivan 


Over a Thousand Businesses Across the State Call on Governor Cuomo to Reject Fracking

Business Leaders Argue Fracking Won’t Create Jobs; Will Harm Food and Water Safety and Existing NY-Based Businesses

(Albany, NY) New Yorkers Against Fracking, a coalition of diverse organizations, including founding member Catskill Mountainkeeper, announced today that over 1,000 businesses had signed on in support of a statewide ban on fracking, joining health groups, political organizations, consumer groups, and environmental organizations.

Read more

Bus Trip to 'Stop Frack Attack' Rally Saturday

Bus Trip to 'Stop Frack Attack' Rally Saturday

Times Herald-Record-Jul 26, 2012

More than 120 organizations are sponsoring this event to oppose fracking, including Earthjustice, Catskill Mountainkeeper, Food and Water ...


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