Governor Hochul Signed the BBPA!

Together we did it. Earlier this evening, Governor Hochul signed the Birds and Bees Protection Act into law. We've all been working together to advance the Birds and Bees Protection Act in New York State for many years, and today is a day to celebrate. Please, email the Governor now to say "thanks." The new law will ban the use of seeds coated with toxic insecticides called neonicotinoids or "neonics" and prohibits neonic use for ornamental and turf applications.

This is a huge step toward protecting our bees, butterflies, and birds from being poisoned by toxic neonics and it would not have been possible without your help--thank you for sending thousands of emails, calling your representatives, and organizing in your communities to promote the bill.

Mountainkeeper staff have been tirelessly advocating for the measure in the Capitol and across the state, and today we hope you'll join us in sending Governor Hochul a thank you note. 

I know we've been asking you to send a lot of emails lately, and we appreciate your ongoing actions--your time and efforts are meaningful, and today's victory demonstrates that with these quick actions you're making a tangible difference. Please send this thank you today--it's so important that our representatives here from us when we're excited about their work, not only when we're calling on them to act.

On behalf of Dr. Kathy Nolan, Kate Hagerman, and the entire Mountainkeeper team, thank you for all you do to protect pollinators.


Ramsay Adams,
Executive Director

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Catskill Mountainkeeper

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