Rethink Route 17 Alternatives: Highway Expansions Induce Demand
Sept 24, 2024 Hurleyville, NY – On September 19, 2024, the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) released the Route 17 Project Scoping Report, documenting the evaluation of preliminary concepts for further study. Upon first review, Catskill Mountainkeeper is appreciative that the Department of Transportation has begun to hear the concerns of our communities, and we share the state’s desire to improve safety conditions and create new economic opportunities along Route 17. However, we remain concerned that state officials are still considering a massive highway widening that would bring more traffic, increase air pollution and waste taxpayer monies. This alternative is environmentally and fiscally irresponsible and does not address community needs.
Catskill Mountainkeeper and our allies differ with the state’s approach to address safety and economic opportunities by increasing roadway capacity. We believe this approach is contradictory to our shared goals for the following reasons:
Click 'Read More' for the full release.
Read moreNew Report Shows Major State Agencies Violate NY Climate Act
New York State – Today, New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYLPI) and the NY Renews Coalition released “Flouting the Law: Major State Agencies Are Ignoring New York’s Climate Mandates.” The report details how, on the fifth anniversary of the passage of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act), almost every state agency is ignoring the law's , including four of the state’s best-funded agencies, including the Departments of Health, Transportation, Education, and Development (Empire State Development). Catskill Mountainkeeper contributed to the report and its findings regarding the Department of Transportation's (NYSDOT) failure.
"In the face of the worsening climate crisis, New Yorkers deserve and demand that state agencies uphold our Climate Law and act in the best interest of our health, safety, and security. In the case of the Route 17 expansion project, should NYSDOT advance its current proposal--one that almost entirely impacts disadvantaged communities--the agency will be hampering New York's efforts to achieve climate justice, while further harming vulnerable towns and cities,” said Taylor Jaffe, Environmental Justice Coordinator of Catskill Mountainkeeper. “Catskill Mountainkeeper supports the thoughtful recommendations that emerge from this report and encourages NYSDOT and every state agency ‘to make the needed course corrections now.’" Click here to read the full press release.
Read moreReThink 17 Pushes DOT to Create a Comprehensive Vision for the Corridor
On May 30, 2024 the ReThink 17 coalition submitted comments on the Route 17 Notice of Intent. In our comments, Mountainkeeper partnered with leaders across the region and the state to call on decisionmakers to a purpose and need statement and project that provides a more comprehensive vision for the corridor.
In particular, and in addition to providing safe, accessible and reliable transportation, this vision can: connect our communities, support smart, sustainable growth, meet climate mandates under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) and Justice 40 initiatives, and encourage economic growth in the region.
This overall vision is also supported by specific recommendations. Click here to read more.
Ulster County Polluter Brought to Justice
J. Karolys and Son, LLC ordered to completely clean up dump sites and pay $8 million in fines
May 15, 2024, Saugerties, NY – In a judgment signed May 10, 2024, New York State Supreme Court Justice Richard Mott ruled that J. Karolys and Son, LLC of Saugerties, NY must remediate three illegally-sited construction and demolition debris dumps and pay $8 million to the State of New York.
Bringing polluters to justice can be very difficult, yet that's precisely what the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and Attorney General Tish James, aided by a diligent and highly engaged community in Saugerties NY, has accomplished in the case of J. Karolys & Son, LLC. In a recent ruling by the New York State Supreme Court, the polluters have been ordered to clean up the mess they made and to pay significant, attention-getting fines totaling $8 million. This landmark decision serves as a stern warning to anyone considering illegally dumping or accepting construction and demonstration debris--New York will pursue and prosecute polluters, and convicted polluters will be forced to pay. Our water, air, lands, and communities are worth more than anyone's ill-gained profits.
Click Read More for our full statement
Read moreCatskill Mountainkeeper Seeks Development Director
Catskill Mountainkeeper, a regional environmental advocacy organization, is actively seeking a dynamic, strategic, and experienced professional with a proven track record in cultivating donor engagement and philanthropic support to serve as our Development Director. We encourage applications from a diverse range of candidates, including people of color, people with disabilities, women, non-binary individuals, and LGBTQ+ individuals. Click here to learn more and apply.
Read moreNow hiring! Summer Trail Stewards 2024
Catskill Mountainkeeper is searching for up to four highly motivated and reliable seasonal Catskill Stewards to help protect Catskills wilderness and recreation areas. The Catskills have become increasingly popular in the last several years, and previously pristine destinations have experienced ecological damage from high use. Catskill Stewards will provide friendly, welcoming natural history interpretation and education to the public at top Catskills outdoor recreation destinations to help orient visitors and minimize high-use impacts. To learn more and apply, click here.
Read moreEmployment Opportunities
Check back soon for new employment opportunities as they become available!
Pause the Environmental Review Process, Environmental Leaders Request a Meeting with NYSDOT to Rethink Route 17
State and federal officials should rethink how to spend earmarked monies on an alternative, sustainable mobility plan for the Route 17 corridor
Jan 16, 2024 Hurleyville, NY – Despite strong local and statewide opposition, the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) announced that they are planning to advance the NYS Route 17 Mobility & Access Improvements Project. Documents cited in the project background reference a $1 billion proposal to expand Route 17 in both directions in Orange and Sullivan Counties – a move that will run afoul of state and federal climate laws, increase climate and air pollution, expand sprawl, contradicts documented transit/transportation needs in the area, and will fail to address their stated goal of reducing traffic congestion.
“New York State should not move forward with the out-dated, $1 billion proposal to widen Route 17 in Orange and Sullivan Counties," said Ramsay Adams, Executive Director. Click 'Read More' for the full release.
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Governor Hochul Signed the BBPA!
Together we did it. Earlier this evening, Governor Hochul signed the Birds and Bees Protection Act into law. We've all been working together to advance the Birds and Bees Protection Act in New York State for many years, and today is a day to celebrate. Please, email the Governor now to say "thanks." The new law will ban the use of seeds coated with toxic insecticides called neonicotinoids or "neonics" and prohibits neonic use for ornamental and turf applications.
Read moreGov Hochul: Protect the Catskills. Sign the Village Incorporation Bills
We're in the final 24 hours of the Governor's window to sign or veto the village incorporation bills, and we just received some news--it seems like developers are pushing hard for a deal to weaken the bills. What does this mean for us? It means that the 3 minutes you take to send an email and make phone call could help convince her to stay strong and sign the bills. Even if you've already reached out to her office, please email again and make a phone call--we're in the final push. |