This is an important opportunity for builders, contractors, and others -- please forward to people in the Sullivan County region who may be interested in applying home energy efficiency principles in their work.
Below is summary information for a training course beginning next week in Liberty NY, focusing on applied building science principles needed to do energy audits and full home performance assessments that address energy efficiency, indoor air quality and related issues. This training is the first step towards certification by the Building Performance Institute. Upon completion of the course, you are eligible for 75% reimbursement from NYSERDA of tuition costs.
The full training brochure with registration information is attached to this email, but people receiving this through lists may not get the attachment. If you need more information call 607-778-5012, or reply to the course instructor, Paul Carroll, who is copied on this email.
Also -- save the date: Nov. 13th, 2008, 4th annual green buildings and energy efficiency conference in Orange County, this year focusing on energy efficiency in the housing sector. Contact me if you want the conference flyer, sponsorship or exhibitor info., or other information.
Simon Gruber
This 36-hour training runs as follows:
Classroom Sessions:
Tues. Oct 7,Wed. Oct. 8, Thurs. Oct. 9, & Fri. Oct.
10 (8am–4pm)
Field Sessions:
Tues. Oct. 14 & Wed.Oct. 15 (8am–4pm)
BPI Written Test (optional: see
registration info):
Thurs. Oct. 16(8am–10am)
: CACHE, 63 South MainStreet, Liberty, NY 12754
For registration information: 607-778-5012
Training Agenda:
•Fundamentals of building science
•Identify and understand building performance
problems including ice dams, mold and mildew,
and indoor air quality issues
•Analyze buildings using “Blower Door”
technology and other diagnostic equipment
•Assess building tightness, mechanical and
distribution systems and combustion safety for a
“whole house” performance-based approach
•Practical application of “blower door,”
combustion safety and other diagnostics for
assessing air leakage and efficiency in buildings