Mid-Hudson News, January 14, 2010: DEP launches new initiative to help streamside landowners

link to complete article is here: http://www.midhudsonnews.com/News/2010/January/14/Cats_StreamBuf-14Jan10.html

CATSKILLS – The New York City Department of Environmental Protection, which operates the expansive reservoir system in the Catskills Wednesday started a new program, the Catskill Streams Buffer initiative to help residential landowners protect their property and preserve habitats along stream banks in the Catskill/Delaware watershed areas.

DEP is putting $3.6 million into funding the program and partnering with county soil and water conservation districts.

State Senator John Bonacic supports the effort.

“They are very vigilant in taking care of the watershed region and the purity of the water,” he said. “They are the best riverkeepers that we can have for New York City.”

DEP and the soil and water conservation districts will help landowners obtain permits for a project or provide access to financial support, labor and materials as part of the initiative. The program will also offer free planning assistance and educational seminars to help landowners understand how best to protect property from damage and keep a stable streamside area.

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