August 16-29, 2008 in Woodbourne, New York
Green Phoenix Permaculture | 2008 Summer Permaculture Design Certificate Course
Green Phoenix Permaculture and the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Ranch present
A Certificate Course for Urban and Rural Residents, Planners, Land Managers & Design Professionals. This training covers the fundamentals of ecological design, given by two of the country's most experienced permaculture instructors, and many local guests. Join us at a rural retreat center near Woodbourne, New York. Upon completion, course attendees will receive a Permaculture Design Trainee Certificate from the Permaculture Institute.
Course topics include:
- Ecoliteracy and Cycles of Nature
- Sustainable Community Strategies
- Re-Localizing Food Production
- Organizing Eco-Neighborhoods
- Simple Steps Toward a Sustainable Lifestyle
- Natural Building & Property Development
- Adding Beauty & Value to Your Home
- Strategies for Energy Descent & Peak Oil
- Green Business Strategies
- Finding your Right-Livelihood Career
Who Should Take This Course: The Permaculture Design Course has transformed the lives and enhanced the careers of thousands of people around the world, including architects, landscapers, community developers, social workers, city planners, teachers, students, farmers, gardeners, homeowners, Yoga teachers, business owners and others. It's for anyone serious about creating a sustainable future! The principles of permaculture apply to any scale of design, to highly urbanized areas, suburbs, and rural communities and properties. The permaculture approach crosses between disciplines and creates links between them.
Curriculum includes inspiring examples of sustainable land use and human ingenuity from around the world, based on a common pattern understanding. The core curriculum is based on Bill Mollison's book, Permaculture: A Designers' Manual, which Whole Earth Review described by saying "If information had density... this book would be a black hole."
The hands-on learning focus of the course will be on participants' design team exercises and projects, and potential learning projects at the site. The course is taught via lecture, images and videos, group discussion, exercises, and other methods that suit a wide variety of learning styles.
The teaching team:
TOBY HEMENWAY is the author of Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture. Scholar-in-Residence at Pacific University, and adjunct professor of graduate education at Portland State University. He is Director of the Center for Pattern Literacy and Field Director for the Permaculture Institute (USA). He is the former editor of Permaculture Activist Magazine, and his articles have appeared in Fine Gardening, Natural Home, Whole Earth Review, and other national magazines.
LARRY SANTOYO is Vice President of the Permaculture Institute (USA), Co-director of The Terra Foundation, and is the founder of the MicroVillage Network. He is among the most experienced permaculture designers and educators in the US and has taught environmental design at colleges and universities nationwide including UC Berkeley and California State PolyTechnic University. For over twenty years, L. Santoyo has assisted private individuals in the design and construction of "Home Ecosystems" and has assisted companies in developing industrial ecologies and sustainable business practices.
PLUS Dave Jacke and other local experts and guest speakers will be announced...
The course fee of $1450 includes all classes, course handouts, tent campsite with facilities (rooms are available at additional cost), vegetarian meals, and optional yoga classes.
Note: $250 non-refundable deposit required to guarantee your space.
Contact Green Phoenix Permaculture at semaley(at) to register and for additional information.