Assembly Holds Up Their End on Climate Change
Catskill Mountainkeeper Commends Passing Climate and Community Protection Act
Senate Continues to Kick Bill Down the Road
Statement on the passage of the Climate and Community Protection Act by Wes Gillingham, Associate Director, Catskill Mountainkeeper
June 19, 2017 - At this tumultuous time for our nation, and for our environment, it is important for New Yorkers to understand who is fighting in their best interest. For a second year in a row, the NYS Assembly has pushed past what a Paris climate accord would provide, and has passed what many agree is the strongest climate legislation in the country. We need this level of legislation passed in both Assembly and Senate, with sign-off from the Governor, to rise to our full capability and assume the mantle of leadership on protecting our climate – putting a stop to the national giveaway to the fossil fool industries responsible for climate change. We need to make New York State the true leader of a just transition to a renewable future. Letting this session pass by, kicking the bill, and climate action down the road, is an opportunity lost, and hurts all of us in the long run.