Posted by Katherine Nadeau · May 06, 2020 2:53 PM
Looking to plant some flowers, bushes, and trees to attract and support pollinators? Catskill Mountainkeeper's partner and butterfly expert, Maraleen Manos-Jones put together this great list to guide you. Take it with you the next time you're heading to the garden store! And Maraleen recommends this resource if you're looking for wildflower seed mixes.
Agastache (anise hyssop) Anemone Angelica Asters Azaleas Black-eyed Susans Blanket flower Bleeding heart Blueberries Bronze fennel Butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa) Cardinal flower Clovers Columbine Coreopsis Dame’s rocket Dandelions Day lilies Echinacea (coneflower) Foxglove Gloriosa daisy Goldenrods Grasses and Sedges Hollyhocks Joe Pye weed Liatrus (Blazing star) lupines Mallows Monarda (Bee Balm) Milkweeds (common and swamp) Mountain Mint Pearly Everlasting Plantain Queen Ann’s Lace Sedum, Shasta daisy Sweet William Sunflower (perennial) Violets Wild Blue Indigo
Elderberry Holly Lilac New Jersey Tea Spicebush Sumac Summer Sweet Viburnum
Aspen Birch Cherry Cottonwood Dogwood Hackberry Hawthorn Hickory Hop Hornbeam Oak Poplar Redbud Sassafras Serviceberry Walnut White pine Willow
Dutchman’s Pipe Honeysuckle Trumpet Vine
Amaranth Calendula Cleome
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