CADE (Center for Agricultural Development & Entrepreneurship) – a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the number and diversity of successful farm enterprises and related businesses in New York.
Catskills CRAFT – provides opportunities for beginning farmers to connect and learn from existing farmers through farmer-to-farmer learning, and also provides access to the social network and culture of local farmers.
Catskills FarmLink– connects Catskills land with those interested in farming it and offers extensive resources for landowners and interested farmers.
Cornell Cooperative Extension – offers agricultural programs and resources targeting diverse audiences in areas of dairy and livestock production; field crops and nutrient management; fruits, grapes, and vegetables; and farm business management, economics, and policy.
The Greenhorns – a grassroots non-profit organization made up of young farmers and collaborators, working to recruit, promote and support the new generation of farmers in the U.S.
Farm Catskills – non-profit community organization conceived by farmers and concerned community members working to protect and promote agriculture and the farming way of life.
FarmHearts – non-profit organization dedicated to helping local family farms
Just Food – connects local farms to NYC neighborhoods and communities to provide city residents of all economic backgrounds with fresh, seasonal, sustainable grown food
NOFA-NY – an organization of consumers, gardeners, and farmers working together to create a sustainable regional food system that is economically sound and economically viable.
Pure Catskills – a buy local campaign for farms, farmers’ markets, restaurants, retailers and community organizations in Delaware, Greene, Otsego, Schoharie, Sullivan and Ulster Counties of New York State.
Slow Food UpDeRiVa – local chapter of Slow Food that works to protect and promote our local food heritage and preserve the culinary identity and traditions of the region.
Sullivan County Farm Network – works with farmers and non-farmers who want to expand agriculture and the availability of local food in Sullivan County.
Watershed Agricultural Council (WAC) – works with farm and forest landowners in the NYC Watershed region to protect water quality. WAC uses land conservation techniques such as whole farm plans, forest management plans, and conservation easements to help farmers, forest professionals and private landholders address water pollution concerns.