VOTE 'NO' on Propositions 1 and 5
Today is election day – a day where we can use our American right to get out and vote for the people and issues that are important to us and represent our vision for our communities and country.
For New York State voters, there are some important referendums up on the ballot, which have the potential to dramatically shift the quality of life for New Yorkers, and set dangerous precedents for the way we preserve and protect our land.
Catskill Mountainkeeper encourages New Yorkers to vote ‘NO’ on the following two ballot propositions:
PROPOSITION 1 – Referendum on Gambling and Casino Development in NYS
- The passing of this proposition would permit the development of SEVEN Las Vegas-style casinos in the state, and could pave the way for an additional THREE casinos in NYC in the next few years.
- While proponents of the referendum say they will bring about a badly needed boost to the local economy, overwhelming evidence from neighboring states proves otherwise.
- The truth is, casino development results in pervasive negative environmental, social, and economic problems for the communities in which they are located.
- For more information on Proposition 1 and additional reasons why you should vote ‘NO’, please click here.
- This proposition seeks to transfer 200 acres of “forever wild” forested lands to NYCO Minerals, Inc. – a mining company that operates a 250-acre mine bordering the Forest Preserve.
- In addition to destroying Forest Preserve property – much of which contains 150-200 year old growth forest – the passing of Proposition 5 would set a dangerous precedent for the future of forever wild Forest Preserve lands in the Adirondack and Catskill Parks.
- The Forest Preserve exists to protect important natural resources. To exchange Forest Preserve lands purely for economic purposes flies in the face of “forever wild”, which was established to protect and preserve the most ecologically valuable lands in the state.
- There has never been an amendment to the constitutional article authorizing the use, lease, sale or the exchange of these lands to benefit private commercial enterprise, and the passing of this proposal would set a terrible precedent enabling exactly that.
- Join Catskill Mountainkeeper and a broad coalition of other conservation groups – including NRDC and The Sierra Club – to vote ‘NO’ on this important proposition.
- For more information on Proposition 5, please click here.
The stakes are too high to sit this out! Get to your polling location today and cast your ‘NO’ vote on Propositions 1 and 5.