(And why you should be in NYC for the Climate March on September 21!)
This is Part 2 of a 3 part series leading up to the People's Climate March
1. Climate change is here -- it is real and well documented, and is causing droughts, super storms, sea level rise, and a multitude of other extreme weather phenomena and related problems.
2. The fossil fuel industry continues to expand, employing increasingly destructive and resource intensive methods for energy extraction. Unless we take action, we face the real possibility of the privatization of our air, water and land resources under the guise of a “global climate compact.”
3. Extreme weather and extreme energy extraction go hand in hand, as evidenced by rising temperatures that generate localized and often catastrophic weather events around the world, including here in the Catskills...
4. Communities across the globe are scrambling to deal with the impacts of climate change.
· Forced migration -- due to super storms, droughts and rising sea levels -- is already occurring in Pacific island and Arctic coastline areas, and will only increase, posing a dire threat to unique and diverse cultures.
· Droughts are increasing the risk of wildfires.
· Widespread habitat change endangers key species; threatening the loss of vital pollinators of our food crops, an overpopulation of serious pests, and a breakdown of regional ecological systems.
· The impact of drought on agricultural production has the potential to lead to food scarcity. Adapting to changing conditions will be complicated by our increasing dependence on industrial agriculture.
· All of this constitutes a significant burden for many local, regional and national economies.
5. The fossil fuel industries have become leading contaminators of water suppliesworldwide. In combination with the increased incidence of droughts, potable water scarcity is likely to become a defining global issue in the future.
6. The climate crisis is symptomatic of a deeper problem, namely the continuation of an economic development model that favors the exploitation of resources and people over broad-based sustainable development, and which benefits a few at the expense of communities and the planet.
7. Climate Action must be rooted in justice, and a recognition that the people who stand to be worst affected by the climate crisis are largely those who are least well-equipped to confront it, namely in low-income, indigenous, rural and minority communities. These are the people who will be hardest hit by both the extractive, polluting and wasteful industries causing global warming, as well as the resulting climate disruption in the form of storms, floods and droughts.
8. People on the frontlines of the climate crisis know what needs to be done, and we are ready to make change happen. It is our governments that must catch up and start to show real leadership. World leaders must take climate action by committing to and financing a just transition – to keep fossil fuels in the ground, create meaningful jobs for our communities, and focus on building the infrastructure to address climate change and ensure a sustainable future.
9. Despite 25 years of warnings and recommendations from top climate scientists worldwide about how to curb the problem, the UN climate negotiations have repeatedly failed to address climate change in a meaningful way. The 2014 Climate Summit in NYC, leading up to the negotiations in Paris, will likely be characterized by more of the same – a continuation of the corporate hijacking of the UN climate negotiation process and the failure of world leaders to commit to doing what is needed to stem the tides of global warming and climate change. We can and should take concrete actions in our individual lives to reduce our climate impact, but collective action is needed, as well.
10. We can still do something about the climate crisis, but we must act now to prevent the worst impacts. The window for us to affect the necessary change is shrinking, and continuing to kick the can down the road for future generations is simply not conscionable. We must oppose new fossil fuel development such as the massive gas infrastructure proposed to transport gas through New York, divest from fossil fuels in our portfolios, andinvest in renewable energy.
Sign up to attend the People's Climate March in New York City on September 21st, and help show our leaders that we are committed to preventing catastrophic climate change.
Need a ride? We have buses! Click here to purchase a ticket for round-trip transportation from the Catskill region. For busing from other regions, click here.
FRACK IS WACK! T-shirt Silkscreening party
Frack Is Wack, 2010, Acrylic on Canvas
Courtesy of the artist and Gallery Nine5, New York
Photograph courtesy of Les Stone |
NYC Premiere of "The Future of Energy"
Tuesday, September 16, 6:30 - 9 pm
New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 West 64th Street, NYC
Join hosts New York Society for Ethical Culture, NYC Coalition of Block and Community Leaders, and Planetary Advocates for the NYC premiere of the film, “The Future of Energy,” at the NY Society for Ethical Culture.
This will be an inspirational event leading up to the first ever People’s Climate March in NYC! “The Future of Energy” is a positive film about the renewable energy revolution, and a love story about the countless individuals and communities that are re-imagining their relationships with the planet and with each other.
The film focuses on solutions to climate change and advocates for the use of 100% renewable energy. The work of 350.org, Green for All, Alliance for Climate Education, Solutions Project, and Go 100, along with that of many other organizations, is featured in the film. As Michael Brune, Executive Director of the Sierra Club, has said, the film “is really about the clean energy revolution happening right now.
By the final credits, you’ll know both how and why renewable energy is the cleanest, quickest, cheapest, and safest way to supply all our energy needs.”
For a Vimeo preview, check out www.thefutureofenergy.org
The filmmakers will be on hand for the NYC premiere, and there will be an audience “Question and Answer” after the movie. This will be a big event leading up to the first ever People’s Climate March here in NYC -www.peoplesclimatemarch.org Be inspired at the NYC premiere of “The Future of Energy” – you will not want to miss it!
Doors open at 6:30 pm, Event starts at 7:00 pm. Welcoming remarks by NY State Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal.
$10 suggested donation will be gladly accepted.
Please reserve your ticket on Eventbrite
Sponsors (in alphabetical order): Aloha; Catskill Mountainkeeper; Food and Water Watch; Food Not Fracking; Go 100%; NYC Acre; NYC Friends of Clearwater; Origin Magazine; People’s Climate March; Planetary Advocates; Sane Energy Project; The Mothers Project/ Mothers For Sustainable Energy; 350NYC; United for Action; Waterkeeper Alliance; Zero to Sixty; (list in formation)
The People's Climate Summit
Monday, September 22 - Tuesday, September 23, 9 am - 9 pm
Two Locations:
The New School Auditorium, 66 West 12th Street, NYC
United Nations Church Center, 777 1st Avenue at 44th Street, NYC
FREE - Space is limited, click here to register
While world leaders convene at the United Nations for the 2014 Climate Summit, The Climate Justice Alliance, friends and allies are hosting a People's Climate Justice Summit, featuring the voices, strategies, and solutions of climate-affected communities around the world.
The Summit will feature a hearing at the UN Church Center, with testimony from front-line community leaders including Catskill Mountainkeeper's Program Director, Wes Gillingham, who will testify on the buildout of fracking infrastructure in New York. The hearing will be live-streamed online and at The New School, where there will also be panels, discussions and workshops on topics including:
- Colonialism and Climate Justice
- Climate Smart Agriculture
- False Promises
- Systems Alternatives
- Just Transition
- Energy Democracy
- Zero Waste
For more information or to register, click here. A detailed Summit agenda and live-stream information will be available shortly.
Six hours of testimony from the People's Climate Justice Summit will be documented and delivered to the United Nations. People on the frontlines of the climate crisis know what action needs to be taken, and are ready to make change happen. We need our governments and global leaders to learn from the people on the ground. Join us!