False Solutions

There is a lot of dialogue among people who want to solve our climate problems about which path is the best to take.  Many people, including President Obama say that they embrace a road to renewable energy, but advocate directions, such as natural gas, that will divert us from our ultimate goal.  We must be careful of false solutions.

The most commonly discussed “false solutions” are natural gasnuclear power and industrial biomass incineration.  Please click on these links for information about why we consider each a false solution, but one thing that they all have in common is that each would need a massive infrastructure that will cost millions if not billions of dollars. Once this money is spent, the investors, whether they are public or private, will want to see a return on their investment and will hire industry-backed lobbyists to advocate for continued government support, which will divert investment away from building the infrastructure we need for clean, renewable sources of energy. 








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