Wild Wonders: Celebrating the Native Plants of the Catskills


Stop and smell the mountain flowers! Native plants are beautiful to behold and provide important food and habitat for wildlife. We invite you to join us for a webinar on February 15th from 12pm to 12:45pm as we get to know a few of the stunning natives of the Catskills and explore ways to incorporate them into your own backyard. Hosts Kate O'Connor (Catskill Mountainkeeper) and John Thompson (Catskill Center) will feature Marc Wolf, director of the Mountain Top Arboretum, to take you on a virtual tour of some of the trees, flowers and shrubs growing there. Learn about selecting the right plants for different Catskill site types, how to use them for design and creating wildlife habitat, and where you can buy locally-adapted natives for your own space. 

This webinar will be held via Zoom on February 1st as part of Catskills Parks Day, from 12:00pm - 12:45pm. You can register for free here!

This webinar will be closed-captioned for greater accessibility.

February 15, 2022 at 12:00pm - 12:45pm

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Catskill Mountainkeeper

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