Watershed Corp. grants go to municipal projects; West Hurley firm gets $1M loan

Watershed Corp. grants go to municipal projects; West Hurley firm gets $1M loan


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MARGARETVILLE - The Catskill Watershed Corp. has approved $500,000 in grants for five municipal planning projects in the Schoharie Reservoir basin and a $1 million low-interest loan for a West Hurley company.

Funds will go to the town of Windham to compile a generic environmental impact statement to identify the impacts of and mitigation for reasonably foreseeable future development; the town of Roxbury to do a comprehensive plan addendum and an impact statement; the town of Conesville for an impact statement for the Manorkill area; and the town of Jewett for a stormwater analysis.

The town and village of Hunter and the village of Tannersville will team prepare a generic environmental impact statement for the state Route 23A corridor through the town.

The projects are intended to curb future stormwater problems and turbidity in the basin.

In other action, the corporation approved a $1 million low-interest loan to Numrich Arms Corp. of West Hurley. The funds will help pay for a new 26,000-square-foot warehouse on the company's Williams Lane property to lease to affiliate Numrich Gun Parts Corp., the largest supplier of gun replacement parts in the world which employs 75 people. The building will be used to store the company's 175,000-item inventory.

For more information, go to www.cwconline.org, or call (845) 586-1400.

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