Governor Hocuhul: Protect NY! Sign Our Bills
The clock is ticking. Last night both the Birds and Bees Protection Act and the Village Incorporation Laws were delivered to Governor Hochul. The governor only has until December 23, 2023 to sign or veto each of the bills, so your email today will help demonstrate the widespread support these bills have in the state. Click the links below to send Governor Hochul an email calling on her to sign these critically important policies into law. Even if you've sent an email on these bills already, please send another--this is a key moment in these campaigns, and we need to show the full strength of our support. Looking for more information? Scroll down for a quick primer.
Atlas/Watershed: Christie Scheele and Hope and Challenges within the Climate Crisis
Join us on November 4th from 3-5pm at 1053 Gallery in Fleischmanns, NY, for an extraordinary art exhibition and panel discussion, Hope and Challenges within the Climate Crisis, featuring Dr. Kathy Nolan, Catskill Mountainkeeper’s Senior Research Director, among an impressive lineup of speakers. The event showcases 'Atlas/Watershed,' a stunning collection of paintings, map collages, and monotypes by the talented Chichester, New York-based artist, Christie Scheele. Click 'read more' for the full press release and speaker information. Click here for event details.
Read moreCatskill Mountainkeeper and Catskill Art Space to present a screening and discussion of Michel Negroponte’s film Herd, on Saturday, November 11 at 5pm in the CAS River Gallery
A herd of shaggy Belted Galloway cattle is delivered to a neighboring pasture in the Catskills and instantly inspires a new film. The filmmaker’s growing fascination with the cows leads him to reflect on the modern idea of animal personhood. Michel Negroponte’s essay film is equal part rumination, observation and meditation. It reveals the cow’s essence and challenges us to think differently about our fellow living animal beings.
Join us on 11/11 for the local premier of this inspiring new film.
Click 'Read More' for the full press release.
New report by Concerned Health Professionals of NY and Physicians for Social Responsibility shows the many negative health impacts of burning fracked gas in homes, illustrates urgent need for NY HEAT Act to get off gas and protect marginalized communities
"Children and families should not have indoor air pollutants piped into their homes from combustion heat and cooking appliances," said Dr. Kathleen Nolan, a pediatrician and president of the New York Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Catskill Mountainkeeper's Senior Research Director. "We have worked for decades to reduce indoor exposures to second-hand tobacco smoke only to encounter very similar contaminants, such as benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide, being produced by the indoor burning of fuel oils and so-called natural gas. The NY HEAT Act phases in clean, odorless, safe forms of indoor energy and phases out the use of combustible contaminating oils and gasses. Rather than continue down the mistaken paths of the past, we should take the opportunity now to begin our transition to cleaner and healthier forms of indoor energy."
Click 'Read More' for links to the report and the full press release.
Read moreGovernor Hochul: Sign the Birds and Bees Protection Act
The Birds and Bees Protection Act (BBPA) passed both houses of the legislature and will be on the Governor’s desk before the end of the year; the fate of pollinators lies in her hands. It's crucial that she hears from concerned New Yorkers like you: click here to email Governor Hochul and ask her to sign the BBPA!
Together, we can create a healthier environment for pollinators and preserve the delicate balance of our ecosystem. Act now and let your voice be heard!
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Forest Preserve Group Applauds Final Budget
May 12, 2023 — Albany, NY — A Forest Preserve group comprised of 32 organizations and municipalities applauds Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State legislature for the state budget, which includes dedicated funding for the Forest Preserve Parks of $8 million under the EPF’s State Land Stewardship line. In the final budget the EPF was also retained at the historic level of $400 million achieved last year.
Read more100+ Groups To Gov. Hochul: Protect Hudson River, Stop Radioactive Waste Dumping
From Food and Water Watch -- Today, 138 groups representing hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers, sent a letter to Governor Hochul, organized by the Stop Holtec Coalition, urging her to stop Holtec International’s plan to dump one million gallons of radioactive wastewater into the Hudson River. A public hearing on the Indian Point decommissioning process is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25.
Read moreEnvironmentalists Urge Budget Action on Emissions Reduction Program
From the Capitol Pressroom -- Environmentalists are urging state lawmakers and Gov. Kathy Hochul to include a fleshed out cap-and-invest program in New York’s budget, but the details may get left on the chopping block. Catskill Mountainkeeper Deputy Director Katherine Nadeau explains why legislative action is needed now, including to create a rebate program designed to make the green transition more affordable for low-income New Yorkers.
Major Climate and Energy Policies Being Decided in Albany State Budget Negotiations
From the Gotham Gazette -- As Governor Kathy Hochul and the Legislature continue to hammer out the details of the overdue $230 billion state budget, there are major climate and energy policies at stake that environmental advocates say are crucial to meeting New York’s climate goals.
March 30, 2023 - "The Department of Environmental Conservation and Attorney General have done tremendous and impactful work by holding illegal dumpers accountable for the trash and toxic debris they've dumped in Ulster County. It's going to cost millions to clean up the mess they made, if the pollution can be cleaned up at all, and the companies who illegally dumped the waste need to pay for it. Commissioner Seggos and Attorney General James are sending a clear message to polluters: our environment is worth more than your profits."
Click Read More for our full statement.
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