Renewable NY

Mountainkeeper’s RenewableNY program is helping transform the state’s energy landscape by demonstrating that a clean and prosperous future built around efficiency and renewables is well within reach. Our on-the-ground programs, HeatSmart Ulster•Sullivan and the Solar Outreach Initiative have been leading the way in implementing climate and clean energy solutions.

HeatSmart Ulster•Sullivan (HeatSmart U•S) is state-supported community campaign that makes it easier for you to increase your home’s energy efficiency by weatherinzing and installing clean heating and cooling technologies to lower your energy bills, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and make your home more comfortable year-round. These technologies include air-source heat pumps and ground-source heat pumps (aka geothermal), and heat pump water heaters.

The first step for your home is to sign up for an energy audit and make efficiency improvements. An energy efficient building is less expensive, more comfortable, better for the environment, and ready for these increasingly attractive technologies that efficiently use electricity instead of gas or oil. Visit to sign up now for an energy audit and to explore clean heating and cooling options.

The HeatSmart U•S campaign works to engage and educate home and building owners to make it easier to improve energy efficiency and install more efficient heating and cooling units in their homes and small businesses. We're out in the community at farmers markets, hosting events, and presenting to faith and community groups. Want a representative from HeatSmart U•S to come to your event? Email [email protected] and we'll be there! 

Visit RenewableNY for more information.