NED Project Scoping Meetings

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the agency that approves interstate gas pipelines, will be holding hearings Thursday, July 16th in Oneonta and Schoharie on a request by the Houston-based Kinder Morgan Corporation - the fourth largest energy company in America - to build another gas pipeline in our state.   

Kinder Morgan is proposing to build this pipeline called the Northeast Energy Direct Pipeline parallel to the route of the not-yet-approved Constitution Pipeline. Both pipelines will move gas from Pennsylvania, through New York and New England, to liquid natural gas export facilities in Canada, so it can be shipped overseas.

FERC has the ability to grant eminent domain and take over private lands for the pipeline project.  In order to get a permit to take private lands Kinder Morgan is supposed to show “public need” but there is no way that Kinder Morgan transporting gas through private property in New York so that it can be shipped overseas and sold for a higher profit can be a “public need” – it’s pure “private greed.”

It’s critical that we send a large contingent to this hearing to tell FERC that New York will not be a conduit for dirty fossil fuels for corporate profit.  Please help us make a good showing by attending one of the hearings and asking friends and family to join you.

Northeast Energy Direct Project Scoping Meeting in Oneonta 
Date:  Thursday, July 16th 
Time:  7:00 PM
Place:  Foothills Performing Arts Center, 24 Market St., Oneonta, NY   

Northeast Energy Direct Project Scoping Meeting in Schoharie
Date:  Thursday, July 16th
Time:   7:00 PM
Place:  Days Inn, 160 Park Pl, Schoharie, NY    

July 16, 2015 at 7:00pm - 10pm

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