Mapping Development in Bethel

Over the last several public hearings and in many conversations, Bethel residents have raised the issue of cumulative impact of projects; current, pending, and anticipated, before the Planning and Town Boards. It has been stated several times that the Planning Board and Town Board can no longer examine projects in isolation of each other; in fact, both SEQRA and our planning board process provide for consideration of the overall and cumulative impact of projects.

How is this truly measured? As an engaged citizenry we are at a critical point where it is necessary to not only examine; but to illustrate this notion of cumulative impact and what it means to our Town of Bethel. We can do that by mapping current and future development in the Town of Bethel and; seeing the full impact; on the immediate areas of our border neighbors in Liberty and Thompson. 

This research is necessary and will be a very valuable tool for ongoing conversations with the Town and Planning Boards. If we had the luxury of time, the Comprehensive Plan review would likely be looking at similar impacts. Unfortunately, that process could take months or up to a year. This is the time to retain a professional to conduct the impact study.

We have partnered with Catskill Mountainkeeper to help receive donations for this mapping initiative and environmental engineering. Now that we are very close to reaching our fundraising goal of $2,500 for the mapping, in order to retain the engineering firm necessary to assist with our current concerns, we seek to raise an additional $6,000. The funding will be allocated, and the consultants paid directly. The engineering work will be performed by CEA Engineers in Bloomingburg, NY and the mapping work will be performed by Geospex in New Paltz, NY. Funds raised beyond this initial cost will be applied toward continued professional services needed.

Catskill Mountainkeeper Inc., is a 501c3 tax-exempt organization.




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