‘SPREAD THE WORD… NOT THE WEED!’ New Japanese Knotweed Brochure Released by Scenic Byway

Upper Delaware Scenic Byway

Website: www.upperdelawarescenicbyway.org                             

Hotline: 1-866-511-UDSB



FOR MORE INFORMATION: Laurie Ramie, 845-252-3022, [email protected]





New Japanese Knotweed Brochure Released by Scenic Byway


NARROWSBURG – “Spread the Word… Not the Weed!  Battle the Invasion of Japanese Knotweed on our Native Plants, Riverbanks and Views” is the message of a new brochure produced through a partnership grant project coordinated by the Upper Delaware Scenic Byway (UDSB).

The brochure provides information on the plant’s characteristics, shows photos to identify Japanese knotweed throughout its seasonal stages, describes its ability to quickly overwhelm native vegetation, and offers helpful tips on management practices. 

Twenty-five thousand copies of the glossy color brochure were delivered in late March.  They are available free of charge to property owners, gardeners, highway departments and others interested in learning about best practices to manage this prolific, invasive plant species.

Two public seminars will be held on Saturday, April 30, to raise further awareness about the detrimental effects of Japanese knotweed and discuss potential eradication strategies.  Repeat sessions will take place from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the Tusten Town Hall, 210 Bridge Street in Narrowsburg.

The Federal Highway Administration’s National Scenic Byways Program awarded a $12,400 grant to UDSB for this Invasive Plant Species Educational Campaign, as well as for an unrelated project to install eight interpretive signs in each of the member communities along Route 97.

The New York State Scenic Byways Program at the NYS Department of Transportation is administering the federal grant funding, which requires a minimum 20% local match. 

Supplemental funding was provided through a 2010 Environmental Initiative Grant of $1,900 from Sullivan Renaissance, a program of the Gerry Foundation; and a $500 contribution from the Lumberland Environmental Council.

The Upper Delaware Scenic Byway’s additional partners include the National Park Service Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River, Sullivan County Soil & Water Conservation District/New York City Department of Environmental Protection, and the Catskill Regional Invasive Species Partnership (CRISP).

Creative services for the brochure were provided by Duba Design of Kingston, NY, while Spencer Printing & Graphics of Honesdale, PA submitted the winning bid for printing.

The new brochure updates a May 2005 pamphlet of the same title produced by a former Japanese Knotweed Initiative partnership.   

To obtain copies of the “Spread the Word… Not the Weed!” brochure call 845-252-3022, e-mail [email protected], or attend one of the April 30 seminars.

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