April 3, 2009, New York Daily News: As trout season opens, life is but a stream

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Alexandra Kenney

As trout season opens, life is but a stream

link to full article is here:


Friday, April 3rd 2009, 4:00 AM

Anglers can also catch a dose of March Madness, as local fishing is officially getting underway. The New York season for striped bass in the Hudson River above the George Washington Bridge opened March 16 and the flounder opener was Wednesday.

Our New Jersey friends had a jump on things with their flounder season starting March 23 and a year-round allowance for ocean striped bass fishing.

However, it's really feverish for New York State trout anglers who had been preparing for the traditional April 1 opening. Jim Krul, executive director of the Catskill Fly Fishing Center & Museum in Livingston Manor, said his local scene looked good. On Wednesday, Catskills waters were nice and clear and registered a warm 42 degrees. What's more, the weekend forecast is favorable

Tomorrow we can enjoy our region's most storied day of opening rituals in Roscoe, dubbed Trout Town USA. Avid anglers will be gathering by 7 a.m. for "first cast" privileges at Junction Pool, where the famed Willowemoc Creek and Little Beaverkill meet. Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther, other well-known local anglers and the "already hooked on the sport" 8-year-old Johannes Mason will be on hand for the ceremonies. Krul noted they'll be using streamers, early dark nymphs and No.12 black stone flies probably until mid-month which should be the time to shift to dry flies.

Onlookers might duck in before noon tomorrow for a bamboo-rod casting clinic at Livingston Manor High School. Or check out fly-tying techniques demonstrated at the museum.

After these early April days that are often spent shivering streamside, sports people always look forward to gathering at the Rockland House (on the outskirts of Roscoe) for the traditional Two-Headed Trout festivities, to be held tomorrow night. Highlights include a 7 p.m. six-course feast, a silent auction, raffles and door prizes.

Tickets may be bought at the door for $45 adults or $12 for those under age 10. Info and tickets are available at the Roscoe Chamber of Commerce, (607) 498-5765.

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